Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm Crafty Like That. . .

The amount of pride I feel about my crafty moment is totally disproportionate to the effort I exerted today to make Ell some playdough. I mean, I always just figure I'm one of those mommies who just buys the ready-made product or doesn't even go that far and makes do with what we have. That's where my pride kicks in. . . Elliott has been enjoying some ready-made playdough, but keeps wanting to put it in his mouth. I figure I would much rather him eat the paste I made than some crappalicious chemical-laden Made in China product.

How to spend a snowy afternoon? Making playdough it is!

Look at that concentration! Elliott played with his playdough (courtesy of his crafty mom) for an unprecedented 30 minutes without running around. Anyone who's spent time with an almost-two-year old knows this length of time is practically an eternity.

And just because, this is a couple of snapshots of Ell gazing in awe at the puffy, fluffy flakes of snow gracing our landscape this day (never mind the smudged window):

1 comment:

Deana said...

I love the furrowed brow. So serious.