What we need:
1. Crib--and I refuse to spend $700 on a piece of furniture we will use for 2 1/2-3 years.
2. Infant car seat/carrier. Ell's went into the trash because it was used when we got it and had exceeded the 5 year lifespan. (I'm actually kind of looking forward to a PINK version. Really.)
3. Another Pack-and-Play? Our current one is at Ell's babysitter's house for naps, so I'm assuming we'll need another for tiny person #2. BUT, not sure when kids outgrow them. . . I mean Elliott won't nap in his forever right?
4. Newborn clothes--the girly version. Totally different from Birth-3 months. I didn't realize this the first time around, but they are tinier for the tiniest of people and used when they change clothes approximately 5.2 times per day.
5. I also totally want
6. A bookshelf? We'll need something for stuffy-stuff and cute baby things.
7. A painter. I'm out this time around. . . therefore, this justifies the expense because Chris got fired from painting a long, long time ago. . .
What don't I have to get?
1. Bedding. Because my TWO versions of girly bedding bought at a deep, deep discount totally worked in my favor.
The chair will change your life.
Our crib was NOT 7 hundo, and it turns into a full bed, so an 'investment"... in my mind.
At G's daycare they have roll up mattresses for the older kids. I say buy a super cheap pack n play if you need one only for naps for E. You don't need 2.
Nathan and Mary have the super cute black and white damask version of your carseat. Very girly. Very classy.
I highly recommend our cheap crib we got for Brady when Hannah moved into his mucho expensive one. It's the Graco Lauren crib (no, that wasn't on purpose). It's nice and sturdy and still turns into a double.
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