Sunday, August 19, 2012

Any Day. For Reals.

Full-term.  Officially that was last week, but since I'm chronically behind these days, I'm just now blogging it to make it official.  So that means roughly hours-two weeks before Baby Kellen arrives.  Yep.  The answer any day freaks my sh*t out.  But I will say sometimes that fear is a good thing because it can spur action.  Specifically, I now have a suitcase in my room to pack & the base to an infant carseat in my car.  Oh, and I managed to register for the hospital.  Progress, people.  Get this:  I've even washed the coming home outfit.  I'm that awesome.

Yeah.  As for the answer to the question, "Are you ready?," my response continues to be, "It depends on how you define 'ready.'"  And the truth is, does it really matter if I'm ready?  Not at all.  But for the record, I'm very excited to meet this wee little boy and to not be pregnant, the realities of little sleep?  Not so much ready for that.

1 comment:

jill said...

i've missed so much over the summer. didn't know baby was a boy. how exciting! i don't think you can truly, ever be ready. good luck whenever he does decide to make his appearance.